The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

cranky update

They've really pissed me off this time. I came to work for a "couple of hours" and left after 90 minutes cause they'd screwed things up so badly and then expected me to fix them, that I decided they needed the lump of coal that is "Fix it your damn selves."

THEN I look at to find THIS:

-"Richard Cohen's editorial in the Washington Post gets to the point, quite well, I think, attacking Obama's failings as a moral leader. Here's the end of it:"
"I can understand Obama's desire to embrace constituencies that have rejected him. Evangelicals are in that category and Warren is an important evangelical leader with whom, Obama said, 'we're not going to agree on every single issue.' He went on to say, 'We can disagree without being disagreeable and then focus on those things that we hold in common as Americans.' Sounds nice. But what we do not 'hold in common' is the dehumanization of homosexuals. What we do not hold in common is the belief that gays are perverts who have chosen their sexual orientation on some sort of whim. What we do not hold in common is the exaltation of ignorance that has led and will lead to discrimination and violence. Finally, what we do not hold in common is the categorization of a civil rights issue -- the rights of gays to be treated equally -- as some sort of cranky cultural difference. For that we need moral leadership, which, on this occasion, Obama has failed to provide. For some people, that's nothing to celebrate. The party's off."

I would also like to ask how it is that Melissa Etheridge, an entertainer, has become the gay barometer of what is right and what is wrong. Love your music, most of the time, Melissa. Your opinions you can keep. I'll get my own thank you.

I've got a new hero in Richard Cohen though.

And now for a glass of gin.

It's 5 o'clock in New York! No,wait it's only 4:10.

Close enough!


LL aka Lisa-Lin said...

Thanks for the link the editorial. Interesting indeed. I still need to watch my DVR of Rick Warren from Dateline last week. Do I agree with the guy's editorial? Naw, not really--yet I respect his opinions. I was surprised Barack picked Rick Warren too. What I've read so far I'm not too keen on all Rick's views either--but that's the beauty of all this-everyone has the right to their opinion. For me, the party ain't over--yet.

The New Me said...

I don't know what's so beautiful about it.