The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's hot guy Friday!

Yes I know, it's almost cliche to like Neil Patrick Harris, but I can't help it. He seems so genuine and I'm always drawn to people who have a good time just being themselves. He seems to be one of those people we let get away with anything. He can be on Sesame Street one day, and the next talk to Howard Stern about him and husband Greg Burtka switching it up in the bedroom. Then appear as a pseudo-playa in How I Met Your Mother, the following Monday evening. Plus, as I am reminded, be Dr. Horrible, and appear in Harold and Kumar go to White Castle.

So, really how can you not like a guy who can be so comfortable in his skin. And who has such nice skin at that!

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