The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Update

Incredible weekend. Spent the whole thing on a horse. I got there Saturday morning and rode all day and then repeated the process Sunday. I spent some time in the round pen with Sunny, I think he's getting the message that I'm the one he needs to pay attention to. He's not entirely convinced, but he was much better the last two hours of yesterday's ten hours of riding than he's been.

Still in a quandary over the job interview. Seriously, there's a lot to give up here that I'm EXTREMELY reluctant to let go. So, this week begins the campaign to establish myself in the new state. After the interview I'm headed North to look at the house I've been lusting after for months, and then to see if I can establish contacts there that might be able to assist me in getting established professionally.

I'm just not going to move and give up everything I've worked so hard for. If I can make it work elsewhere and get some foundations built to facilitate that great.

If not, I'll find someplace else.

A symptom of the stupid times we live in.-

A well-known and established restaurant here blew up this morning. Rather than think, "Oh, well, it was an old place, it could have been an equipment malfunction." Our illustrious authorities immediately went to that Armageddon scenario we've all had drilled into our heads that this is a terroristic threat. They called in the FBI, and this morning I saw on the news a guy telling us that they were putting to work on this imminent threat, some of the people who worked on the Oklahoma City bombing and some other terrorist occurrence that escapes me at the moment. Do these people have nothing better to do than this? It reminds me of that Friedman quote I posted last week. This is not the America we can afford to be anymore!

When will these people stop running things with their Chicken Little mentality?

Good news on two fronts!

1.) 92 days left of George Bush in our lives.
2.) This interminable election sysle will be over in 14 days.

I can't decide which makes me happier.


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