The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where were we?

Oh yes! We were in the midst of a calamity brought about by people who had no oversight, cheered on by people who profitted from this free-for-all, with the leader ringside happily passing the bill onto others.

Truthfully, there is little we can do about all this economic mess, and those who are about to retire I feel truly sorry for. Because they have no time to recover from such bullhsit.

A baiolout is inevitable. It all depends on how much,(yesterday 700 billion was more than we need, today it's not enough) we have to give them. They've spent us into this mess, and we'll spend our way out. There is truly little we can do about it. No matter the issue, 401k's, bailouts, payrolls. We'll have to overcome the obstacles they've presented us with and live with the results. It does little good to go running around with our panties up our ass and our hair on fire. (which is a great image of Bush right now)

We can however, look to the future and create oversight that will prevent such things in the future. I was correct in my assertion the other day that there are mechanisms in place to prevent such goings on in the stock market. I was incorrect in assuming that they were the culprits. There is extremely little regulation in the mortgage banking arena, and that is where we have the biggest part of the problem. Can you imagine how much more paperwork there will be now when regulation is created? Bring several pens when you go to sign your mortgage,if you can get one. It'll take a lot of ink. Unfortunately, it's kinda hard to seek regulation after you've already given out the funds.

One of my favorite mantras of yesterday was that every single person I heard on television predicting gloom and doom was quick to list three things that were on the hit list. 1. credit markets make the world go round, and in many respects they do. 2. With tight credit markets people can't buy stuff, like we don't have too much shit already. and my favorite, without fail the third was ALWAYS 3. Can't meet payroll.

"Oh, let's not get frightened, or start a panic, by the way, your employer might not be able to pay you."

They're so subtle.

I'm pissed off about the CEO salaries too, and we all have been for some time. But good luck getting that dealt with now. Chicken Little will continue to bang the drum until he gets what he wants and in 35 days he'll effectively no longer be the President so what the hell does he care? He's wealthy and I assure you his funds are secure. But what has me more pissed off is that the party largely responsible for this mess and all the other messes we've got going on has been hijacked by those who would truly overthrow the government in their religious fervor.

What they want, and what they're after is a theocracy, plain and simple. Religiosity has been utilized to be a surrogate for reason. Preachers, reverends,priests, ministers, all talking about politics from their perches. Telling the herds to go vote religion, not conscience, and calling it patriotism. The herds don't know the difference, they've been so poorly educated by our schools that they cannot distinguish between political rhetoric, and religious zeal.

It all goes back to education, "if we keep them stupid we can lead them down the primrose path to ruin and they'll never be the wiser until it's too damn late." Well. they've been kept stupid alright. And now they're going to get their backs broken with the weight of this massive debt we're selling them without their consent. This government is simply printing paper and calling it money.

Those of us with 20-15, or even ten years til retirement can look back at Black Monday in 1987 as an example of survival. People who were hurt by that mess largely recovered. And those that didn't have likely learned that tomorrow the sun will rise and the birds will chirp. If they don't, we have bigger problems than the economy anyway.

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