The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I couldn't believe it when I woke up this morning that it was only Tuesday. As tired as I am, it should be later in the week.

Today's guest is Carmine Giovinazzo. The totally hot (aren't they all)former baseball player on CSI:NY. Those who know me might notice some resemblance between Carmine and...well, let's just say, a person of interest from my past. I sure noticed it, especially with the glasses.

Oh, and I forgot to tell you who yesterday's guest was, but if you've been paying attention to HGF you'd have known. That it was Dylan Walsh of Nip/Tuck.

I have been listening to the plans to bail out the private financial sector at our expense. I am not in favor of all this. They're businesses, let them fail, so what if our economy goes down with it, we'll survive, and probably be better off if it does, cause the Bush administration seems hell bent on taking every single dime with them when they go. I wrote Nancy Pelosi (ARGH!) all this, I mean where else do I have to turn, look at who I am represented by, Pat Roberts, Sam Brownback, and Dennis Moore. So screwed. Pelosi won't do anything different, she's worthless, but at least I said my piece.

No word from the testing, I figure they made a big deal out of getting it back yesterday so they could then drag their feet on references, interviews, hiring, etc. We'll be lucky if they fill the position by Thanksgiving. C'est la vie.

I was thinking last night about the current issues with the ex. It's too bad about him really, I liked him a lot. He just can't like himself, and has to make everyone miserable if they do. It's the price to pay I guess. But I ain't payin' it again, thank you.


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