The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hot Guy Friday! And Republican's against illiteracy

Sorry this is late, I've had quite the morning. Tons of fog made it very San Francisco-like here, and the drive to work, hellishly long. Then I arrived to a computer system crash, except for the internet of course, thank GOD! So here's a little fun at the RNC's expense. McCain said he wants a bigger push against illiteracy. I can see why:

And now for the piece de resistance!!!

Those of you who grew up in the era when I did will be happy to see B J McKay of BJ and the Bear fame. Seriously, he was so cute. And as it turns out he was the bear not the monkey.

So Enjoy Greg Evigan then and now, well as close to now as I could find, and I doubt I'm far off. I couldn't find any pictures of him in Melrose Place, which is fine, he mostly looked uncomfortable in frame with Doug Savant anyway.


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