The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Friday, September 26, 2008

And They All Fall Down

I cannot, in good conscience, just post Hot Guy Friday and pretend to be merrily rolling along without recognizing the collapse or our society. That's what's happening folks, been happening while you slept for quite a few years now, and it wasn't because your Pres got a hummer in the Oval either. It was our own doing, we asked for this, and we stuck our heads in the sand while it came about.

Time to pay the Piper Boys and Girls.

I’ve long said that none of you will act unless what’s happening in Washington affects your SUV, your cell phone, or your dvd player. Well, apparently that’s happened. Cause people took to the streets last night to demonstrate against the economic bailout.


Where the fuck have you all been?

It affected your SUV didn’t it? Or was it your ability to pay that outrageous cell phone bill?

No matter to me, all I want to see is that you’re all out there jumping up and down and demanding something be done to prevent this disaster from being made worse by foisting it all off on our backs for the rest of our lives. They are taking the food out of our mouths and the roofs from over our heads, it's beyond time to act.

I applaud you all. I hope you have some positive effect on the demise of the bailout proposal.

And we're for sure a third world country now. Hope you like rice, cause that's what UNICEF serves.

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