The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Stupidity rules

I was all set to rant about...well I will rant about it in just a second, but first...

I just published a comment on last Friday's Hot Guy Friday post. I did this because I believe in fairness and publishing whatever people have to say here. However, and this commenter is NOT an offender of this new policy it just brought it to mind. I'm no longer going to publish anonymous comments.

As I said Zeph, whoever he/she may be, did put their name on the comment and it got published, as will always be the case. I don't obviously agree with Zeph and really would impose a literacy clause on comments, but that may be too much to ask. So, like I said, Those of you who have enough fortitude to put your name on your comments will get published, if not you will be rejected and in fact, roundly ridiculed on a public forum. (I would have to ask Zeph who ty is? That part I really didn't get.) Wait! I suddenly got it! ty is thank you, IT'S SIX MORE FUCKING KEY STROKES ZEPH! CAN YOU MANAGE TO ACTUALLY SPELL IT? For God's sake. And I'm not gambling with your money I'm using my own, I don't want yours, just mine, thank you. (see how easy that was?) I'd venture to say you're pretty healthy. Boy, do surprises await you.

Now to rant about stupid people. I am sick and tired of God, whoever that may be to you, getting all the credit for human work. It's ridiculous! in fact as I write this I realize it's yet another symptom of Americans not being able to take responsibility for their actions. It's always someone else's fault. In this particular case some idiot got on tv because she attributes her ability to pay her fucking bills to God. She was so simple minded that she had 100, yes ONE HUNDRED credit cards. And she paid them off "with the help of God." Give me a fucking break. She got off her ass and paid all the bills she'd run up over the years and is now beginning to see the dim light of solvency at the end of the tunnel and SHE had nothing to do with it! DAMMIT! Why can we not take responsibility for what we do? Why can we not take the credit for the hard work and appropriate actions we put in to being responsible adults?

Now, if she were a criminal...fry her ass, would be the hue and cry from the populace. That must be taken responsibility for. If someone does something bad, oh yeah, fuck 'em. THAT, all the Christians want to see.

Hard work, doing a good job, getting well after being sick and working hard to return to a normal life...nope. Give all the credit to God.

"It's a miracle!" I hear that shit about five or six times a week. How many miracles are in that book y'all value so highly? Did Jesus go around performing miracles all the time? Then what made them so fucking special?

Maybe someone gets better because they got good health care! Maybe they got better because the exact part of their brain that was injured wasn't going to keep them in a coma permanently. Maybe they just woke up! Maybe someone survived a fire because someone else risked their own life to go in there and get them out! Maybe someone survived an auto accident because they actually did wear their seat belt and it worked. Stop being sheep who have been convinced they're so stupid and worthless as to be incapable of doing good, of being responsible, of taking care of themselves, of doing what is right.

Stop reducing the importance of miracles (maybe they do happen, just not every 15 minutes), and stop reducing the importance of people and their valuable contributions.

It seems that woman last night pissed me off a little huh?

BTW: A Tribute to Heath Ledger by Chris Roberts just came across my desk. On pg 78, caption of picture identifies Heath and Jack Gyllenhaal. You'd think someone would have noticed that.

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