The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, August 11, 2008


In direct contrast to my horoscope, I have NO energy today. There's plenty to do, yet no desire to do it.

Work is laying all around this office, I need to ride, which I didn't do yesterday in my slothful mood. I really should be sending the application and check for that grant writing program in the next couple of days, I have two textbooks I should be reading to teach out of next week, and here I sit blogging. Well, that's the general direction the day seems to be taking. I'm just going with the flow.

The panic of getting it all done will settle in right around lunch time, that should be fun. Maybe a little adrenaline is what I need to get motivated today.

The remainder of the weekend was fairly uneventful, I'm still mindful of taking that girl out to ride Saturday, that was pretty fun. They're now saying we might get rained out this Saturday, I hope not, I'd like to do that again.

In any case I have someone from one of the part time jobs who wants to ride and I'll probably take her Saturday.

God I just feel like I'm moving through molasses today.

Guests from out of town all week, maybe that will perk me up.