The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I need a vacation

And this is bad news since I am currently entering the busy phase of my year.

School starts in 10 days, I will be teaching and taking 9 hours, I'm also taking a grant writing certificate class, and classes to obtain a certificate to teach ESL. I also have a full time and part time job. I need a vacation from just putting that all down here.

I rejected my first anonymous comment yesterday. Not that I feel it's an accomplishment, it's just notable that people don't really read what you tell them and if they do they pay it no attention. It was a link to sweet/salty, the blogger who got plagiarised by Cooper's Corridor (blah blah blah)and in that post was a link to ANOTHER site where someone I'd never heard of tried to explain away all the ridiculousness by telling us this "heartwrenching" story of a troubled person who goes around stealing other people's blogs and using them as their own since they identify as male when they're physically female. See! This is why I don't intend to get involved with the blogosphere, too many people with too much time on their hands who need their meds adjusted. Could not be less interested. Sweet/salty needs to get over it and move on to another chapter. And PLEASE leave me out of it.

It's really nice here, so I'm going to get stuff caught up and go for a nice long bike ride on my lunch hour. That is if the American Idol auditions have left town. They were at the arena I ride by yesterday and I don't think going down there is a good idea if it's still...well...idolized. There are other routes. I don't like them as well, but they'll do.

Quite by accident I found an old friend on myspace this morning. For reasons passing understanding I looked up a former bf and found her among his friends. I was glad to find her, I'd lost track of her 5 years ago when we graduated. I intended to return to grad school for the drama prom that year but unfortunately my bf at the time gave me food poisoning and I was unable to attend. I was not happy. So I'd lost track of a lot of them. It's nice to find the ones you want to keep.

I heard some woman the other day on NPR mention Barack Obama's Presidency. I thought that a bit presumptuous. If I'm not mistaken there's still another candidate. He's old and he's crazy, but that didn't stop the American people in 1980, and 1984, so what's to say we couldn't invite Armageddon and do it again. Maybe I'll vote green, they have a candidate don't they?


I just looked at the Green Party website. Their Candidate is Cynthia Mckinney. You may remember her, she's the U.S. rep from Georgia who got into that silly slapping-a-capitol-police-officer thing awhile back. Barack Obama, John McCain, Cynthia Mckinney, Ralph Nader, and Bob Barr, the guy who said Jesse Helms was a great American. These are my fucking choices for President of the United States?!??!

I'd rather vote for Wade the adorable little Radio Shack clerk down the street from my apartment. Can I write him in?

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