The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

TREK BIKES and Crow! My least favorite dish.

Ok, In my own defense I have to say I never set out to extort $16,14 out of Trek, or anyone else. I took it when offered, but really $16.14? Not extortion-worthy.

If you read the Trek bike post on Sunday you know I was grossly unhappy with Trek and had been for some time. I just felt that customer service wasn't a thing I had even remotely received and truly no longer expected.

I was wrong.

I was contacted by the store manager who apologized, researched my records and offered to refund a minor repair I was charged for.

So, I'm trying to make this right here folks. I was mad and now I'm better. $16.14 was pretty cheap to make me get over it don't you think? But then again that's me.

I still take exception to anonymous' comment, but then when one does not know whereof one speaks, one should not speak. But when one does speak, one should have the fortitude to put their name on their words.


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