The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Getting involved? Ewww!

I try to make a policy of not getting involved in whatever latest dramatic imbroglio the blogosphere has come up with, and I’m leaning toward keeping it that way. Today, for reasons passing understanding, I allowed the owner of a blog called Sweet|Salty to post some comments here, somewhere. I posted them and now can’t find where they went. But no matter, the point is that they were relating a story about a blog I used to read and like called Cooper’s Corridor.

Cooper, it appears, doesn’t exist. A shame really, I rather liked the idea of a gay 20-something Dad raising two sons alone in rural Canada. Something about the notion appealed to me. That maybe there is hope in the world. And who knows, maybe there still is. Not from Coop though, he’s apparently a fictitious character invented by some blogger who was stealing posts and identities from this Sweet|Salty blogger.

Well, that’s done with as far as I’m concerned. Maybe there really is a Cooper, and there really is hope. Let’s hope so, we need all the Cooper’s we can get, as long as they are real, of course. Wouldn't it be cool? A gay dad with two kids in a rural area, not afraid for his life. It'd be unique that's for sure.

Poor Christian Bale. Crazy relatives. How I empathize with him today. It’s true all they ever want is money. If he writes them a big fat check they’ll go away forever. Knowing crazy relatives the way I do I suspect that nothing really happened and he’s the real victim in all this. That’s usually how it works.

Mine are currently attempting to manipulate the more innocent of my relations into starting some kind of shit back up again. I think I put a stop to it yesterday. We’ll see. It may just go on until some one of us finally succumbs to the vagaries of time, and dies. We may never know. I do know that if I’d write them a big fat check they’d go away. That I can attest to. If anyone has a surefire recipe for ridding ones life of crazy white trash relatives, LET ME KNOW!!! (P.S. I’d prefer it didn’t involve the possibility of jail. Thanks)

Didn’t I just have a vacation? I think I need another one. The best consolation is that in the next three weeks two of my favorite people in the world will be coming to town. So I’ll get to play a little with them, that will be fun. I think the first one is coming into town on the 12th and the other one a little later. Sadly, the week of the 12th will suck a little cause I start school that week, but hey, it’s only the first week.

I’m a little sore STILL, from Sunday’s ride. I’m trying to teach a horse the 4 beat foxtrotter gait, which, though natural, is still something they have to learn by doing, and the only way to do it is to ride them. Oh. My. God!! It’s like being a completely inexperienced rider and getting on a horse for two hours for the first time ever. Bounce, Bounce, Bounce… Standing is much preferable to sitting right now . She’ll learn and it’ll get better, but the process…oy!

I, of course, am watching the Christian Bale thing unfold with utter concentration. Now the family members say: "We didn't call the police! We didn't call anybody!" Is there a white trash playbook?


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