The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday Monday

I watched Val Kilmer as Moses in The Ten Commandments (The musical) this weekend. THAT was hard work, perhaps for Kilmer, but certainly for me. What a dreadful mess! I've seen bad high school productions of Godspell, directed by English teachers in rural areas, go better than this disaster. Val should go into hiding and stay there for about a decade, and never appear in public without a shirt again. If you ever have the opportunity, do not watch this dvd.

I rode my new bike this weekend. Who, exactly are we kidding with this aluminum, and carbon fiber thing? Don't get me wrong, this thing is sweet, it goes, goes, goes, when I ask it to, and it's very agile. I love the bike. But it rides like someone shoved a stick up my ass and stuck me on a rail. I'm going back to steel. Actually I want my Nishiki back. I wish I knew how to find the woman who bought it. I bet it's moldering in a garage somewhere. All I know is I can't ride this one a long distance, I'll be in the hospital getting all my joints replaced within a year.

Other than the slight disappointment over Val Kilmer, and the new bike, I had a pretty good weekend. Went to a friends house for drinks after work on Friday, then met another friend for dinner and a movie. Saturday I rode a horse, and then the bike, lunch with C, and then friends came over for dinner and cards Saturday night. Tai chi Sunday Morning before my brunch group, then another bike ride and my tivo of Slings and Arrows on Sundance.

I need to grade papers today and tweak the final. I accidentally discovered Thursday that not one of them knows what Everyman is. Can you believe it? They're in college and they've never even heard of it! It's their extra credit on the final. I was appalled that no one had even mentioned it to them before. WHAT could their English teachers be doing?

It feels like it may be a slow day for me today. I'm not very energetic and Monday is thankfully a light day for me. So, I'll do what's necessary here, and ride at lunch. Then I'll stop by the studio and pick up one last pot from the kiln for the semester and that's it! I'm ready to flop for a few days.

I mentioned to a friend in Arkansas, who's unemployed, that we should find some grant $ and move to New Mexico and start a theatre. I haven't heard from her since. I get the impression she's not very interested. Why can't people just say no? I love her, but this is weird. In fact it kinda pisses me off. When I have the energy I'll give her some shit about it.

Speaking of energy that's all of mine for this activity today.


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