The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The inmates are running the asylum

Well, he's done it. George W Bush has finally made everyone afraid. And they like it.

They're afraid of a scarf.

Apparently the completely innocuous Rachel Ray, irritating, yet innocuous though she may well be, wore a scarf reminiscent of those worn by the late Yassar Arafat.

Now what, you may ask, could this possibly have to do with fear?

Well, some idiots thought, as though they were capable of such high function, that the scarf was intended to promote terrorism. Thus, Dunkin' Donuts, in their infinite wisdom pulled the ad.

These, I'm certain of it, are the selfsame people who hear satanic messages when they play Beatles records backwards. Which, I'm also sure, they do ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!!

The constant screaming in our ears for almost a decade has paid off! Everyone is afraid. They're not, apparently, afraid of being unable to get to their jobs because they can't afford to buy fuel for their cars. Nor are they, apparently, afraid of an inability to feed themselves and their families because they can't afford the price of food. Nor do they fear two people campaigning for the Presidency, both of whom refuse to look at the reality of our lives and address the immediate and vital concerns we truly have. Nah!

Yet a scarf around the neck of a cook peddling donuts and coffee...that's their undoing.

Why, oh why can't I drink Gin at 9am???

UPDATE: Is this true? "Mariah Carey is the best-selling female singer in history..."

If so how is this possible? I hate Mariah Carey! Always have always will. Just proves what sheep people are. Mariah Carey! Ick.

1 comment:

A Bear in the Woods said...

The Rachel Ray business is stunning. How pathetic. I am rendered incapable of speech.
And it takes a lot to render me speechless.