The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mind your P's and Q's

No one seems to know where this phrase originated. The OED used to have a reference to it that dated back to 1779 but it seems to have been removed from their latest versions so I imagine they can't support the reference and deleted it.

This takes me into an area in which I have absolutely no expertise and must rely only on my own opinion. Not that this has stopped me from speaking up in the past mind you. I just caution you that I may misspeak from time to time today, since I mostly don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.

Now why do you suppose Thomas Beatie decided to go public with his transgender pregnancy? What is the purpose of that? Surely he and his wife knew that there would be a public outcry over the whole thing.

My personal opinion? Go for it. If you kept your reproductive organs during a sex reassignment surgery then you meant to do this all along, you just chose not to tell anyone about it until it was obvious. So why do it? Why tell the whole world what you're doing?

Will it further the cause of transgender people? Will it cause a backlash that not only involves transgender, but GLB folks as well? Will it make the national debate over GLBT rights more or less important in this particular election cycle? Is it being done for personal reasons or political ones?

I think it's the lumping all of us together that I have a problem with. I'm homosexual (to use the clinical term) I have no desire nor interest in reproduction. The things I have seen and suffered give me extremely good reason to think that we should all stop reproducing and let the species go the way of the dinosaur, cause this life ain't pretty most of the time, and frequently it's the meddling of others that makes me certain it's not worth living the way it is. But I get the desire to reproduce (I had it for a summer in the 80's) and I think those that want to should be able to.

Mostly I think that it's none of my damn business. I'm not a participant. Never will be. Don't want to be. Why should I be weighing in on the reproductive rights of others? In fact why is a biological function even referred to as a right. It's a fact! We as a species reproduce. If we possess the technological know-how to make that happen in less than conventional ways then why shouldn't we do it? We debate all the time in medicine if we should keep people alive just because we can, so why shouldn't we allow people to give birth if we can?

This brings to mind an article I saw yesterday on in which someone asked Chelsea about her Father's affair and Chelsea laid the idiot out telling them it was none of their business. Love her! All this country knows is how to mind other people's business and we wallow in our ability to do so.

Thomas Beatie is apparently not gay. He falls under the banner of GLBTQ so I recognize his right to ask for my support. His reproductive decisions are none of my damn business and I intend to keep it that way. I wish the rest of you would too.

So mind your Pregnancies and your Queers, just remember they're not the same thing please.

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