The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I'm not new

Even with all that's happened to me in the past I am sill amazed by people who are completely deluded. However, in the interest of I don't really give a shit what lies you tell yourself as long as I understasnd the truth, I offer this bit of information:

It is now reported that Sally Kern, late of the Southern Baptist Convention and Oklahoma politics, hater of fags everywhere,does not have a gay son.

He's apparently a celibate music teacher who lives in Des Moines and recently graduated from the School of Metaphysics. He states that he does not agree with his mother but he's proud of her for standing up for her own views (no matter how hateful they may be I guess)

So there it is. More delusional behavior from the Midwest. I swear if I could secure a job in a blue state I'd move tomorrow, contractual obligations notwithstanding.

last night was very fun. Saw my old friend C for dinner. Caught her up on the whole, "I'm not really who I always thought I was" story. Then on the way home I stopped off for a drink at my favorite blues club and played a few games of pool with Jeremy, this youngster who apparently likes the attention he gets when I'm around. Then off to beddy-bye.

After I downloaded a wicked snoring .wav and put in on loop the last couple of days when I leave the apt and my upstairs neighbor is trying to sleep he seems to have gotten the message that it may never stop if he doesn't let me sleep through the night. Cause last night was bliss. It was totally worth the expense.

Today it's car stuff and hopefully lunch with Bro. Tonight is date night of course.


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