The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, March 13, 2008

first rant!

This morning I was almost in an accident on the way to work. There was a woman driving a 20 year old Taurus, without license plates I might add, who was entering the highway...WHILE READING!!!!

She had her signal on and a piece of paper in each hand and absolutely no idea what or who was around her. This precipitated a brief but unpleasant discussion.

It's almost as bad as the guy who was driving to work while eating cereal. Yes, he had a bowl and a spoon and he was shoveling corn flakes into his mouth while he drove. In his defense he was at least looking at the traffic.

That reader/driver is not my favorite person this least until my next post.

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