The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Monday, March 24, 2008

Didn't I say something about having fun this year?

If memory serves, that was my only new years resolution. And boy did I make it come true this weekend.

I had a great time. I went to a cocktail party Friday night, then to dinner and a concert with friends. Saturday I rode both a horse and a bike,(froze my ass off in both cases cause I now live in the arctic circle) saw several really good movies, went to my favorite blues club, and started a really interesting book. I also graded my students mid-term exams...surprise no one failed! Woo-Hoo! maybe they really are listening! And then I had a friend over for dinner on Easter, and that was a lot of fun too.

3:10 to Yuma is an incredibly good movie. I've never really been a fan of Russell Crowe, No particular reason, I don't hate his work, he's just never made me go "OH! I've gotta see that, he's really great!" no never has. Russell Crowe...ok. Christian Bale just keeps getting better and more nuanced, he was fun to watch, and Peter Fonda had to have been pretty good (Spoiler)**since I was glad when he got thrown off the cliff.** Of course, they were on horses in the southwest, so they had me at Hello.

I now am looking for the soundtrack to "Once." What a great little movie! I didn't hold out much hope for a movie that's billed as a movie with music, since musicals and I are not friends. But I was wrong, this thing was great, and Glen Hansard can sing beautifully so it made it even better.

After many trials and tribulations with Directv, (Man can they be obtuse.) I finally convinced them that it was stupid to penalize me for refusing to purchase a phone line only to rent pay per views and allow me to order online and get that damn nag screen off my tv telling me to check the non-existent phone line so I could watch Michael Clayton again. That movie gets off to a slow start but delivers in the end. Tilda Swninton really is good in that movie. And Tom Wilkinson is...well. her an-thesis. Isn't that a good one? Let me say that again it's so much fucking I got it from this illiterate in Chicago whose blog I read for laughs from time to time. Just about the time I think he's probably a pretty cool guy he goes and says something like An-thesis. No wonder he's never been able to use that film degree. Anyway, Tom Wilkinson is as brilliant as always, and Clooney, though he was pretty good in this, didn't really deserve the Oscar nomination.

Went to the theater Saturday night and saw Juno which is still running. It's a cute little thing, and I see why everyone was so crazy about the stripper who wrote it. Let's see her follow-up.

So Monday is off to a great start. I am now sleeping through the night regularly so I'm less paranoid than when I have no REM. Speaking of which,(sort of) WTF was that thing on Youtube with Stipe announcing his band mates are straight. I get it, but....he was so amused with himself I couldn't hardly watch it. What is it about Stipe that makes me think he not only looks like a bug but that I need to have sex with that particular bug? I've never understood my own attraction to that man.

I'm so disenchanted with (no not linking to them) that I am now beginning to think we're so starved for decent info that we'll read anything to get by. They do, once in a while, cover a funny thing, like Dick Cheney's "SO!" the other day. An apt demonstration of this administration's total disregard for us. They have 302 more days to screw us and I'm sure they have some really good plans to do so.

They'll never understand when no one goes to visit Bush's Library. And to that I say..."so!"

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