The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

it's my party....

I could care less if Hilary Clinton broke down and sobbed on national television. Apparently no one criticizing her has wanted anything that bad before. She's worked her butt off to get where she is and when it sucks ass you get to cry. I'm not a huge fan of this woman, and I don't support her candidacy. But her right to cry after working so hard and getting bitch-slapped? You betcha she can cry.

I don't trust Obama, I just don't. Also, I don't trust the nutcases in this country who'd take out a black President and not think twice about it. And I don't think we're ready. I just don't think we're ready for a woman or a person of color in the White House. I can't see an America that let's George Bush, with his civil rights limiting ways stay in office for eight years without getting impeached, and or lynched, electing a person who isn't white male and Christian. So guess who that leaves? Yup, the southern Baptist. My worst fucking nightmare. (actually that's not true. As Emilio Estevez said in "Freejack." "My worst nightmare is waking up without my penis.")

I don't think this guy would ship us all off to internment camps, but I bet he wouldn't do much to stop someone who tried. Talk about the lesser of evils. That's what we get these days. The least offensive character to lead us around by the nose for a few years, all the while telling us what they're doing is best for us. God we're fucking stupid.

We're going to run up against a real crisis one day and no one in this country is going to have a fucking clue what to do. We're just going to stand there while someone runs right over us and then POOF there goes your democracy. Sorry guys. Did you think it was just a given? That without fighting for it and taking care of it that it'd just be there forever? Well now you know. Good luck to us.

I feel like I'm under siege here today. Every time I think I'm caught up I find some other huge project that needs updating. Work! Work! Everywhere I look! Make it stop!!!(not the direct deposits, just the work)

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