The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I was going to post later, but I've had a really rare morning in the blogosphere, so I thought I'd share.

I'm adding two organizations to my annual charitable contributions list, though I'm not sure how that's going to work I already have 12 and one of them gets money each month, so adding more is going to change the formula a bit. I don't really think I'll be adding funds to the formula though. I think I give enough for now. But you should! In fact you should be involved in an organization that does for others in some way. It's good for them, for the community, and you as well. So get on the internet and find something that interests you and volunteer. Almost all of them will take any amount of time you're willing to give. But you really should do it. Give them money too, even $10 is a help. They really do good work. But remember giving to the United Way is in effect giving to the Salvation Army (they're one of the united way orgs)and they're known to turn away gay and lesbian people in need of help. So investigate before you donate. Be sure you're helping the people you want to help and not an organization that is only interested in helping those they think are moral enough to deserve it. I'm adding the "I am Collective" in L.A., it's a start up and I'm still in the investigation stage, so I'll let you know more as I do. It appears though that one of their goals is to mentor gay and lesbian youth. I sure wish I'd had someone to talk to when I was growing up. I always analogize my youth with the description that Ian Mckellan's character, "James Whale" used when describing his youth:

"They (his family) were like a family of farmers who'd been given a giraffe. They didn't know what to do with the damn thing except harness it to the plow."

So if the I Am Collective is going to attempt to unite the gay community globally I am all for it and will support it in any way I can. I bitch and complain about the United States daily,but when I stop to think about it,I realize that there are people being jailed, and beaten and even put to death just for being gay all over the world every day. The people in China standing up to be counted as GLBT citizens are the courageous ones. I'm just a whiner.

I'm also adding the Rainbow World Fund. They're apparently like the gay red cross, how fun is that?

The rare part of the morning was clicking on a link on someone's blog, I forget whose, and finding myself on the jockey underwear website watching people who entered a contest to win 5k for dancing in their underwear. I was speechless. Particularly at the black guy who dances like a white boy,(IN HIS BACKYARD) and the guy with the long hair who thinks bucking his hips is dancing. This is the easiest way to tell a straight boy, they think THAT is dancing. I pity the women in bed and/or on the dance floor with those guys.

The other rare moment was to read about some guys skin care regimen for his face. At first I thought I was finally experiencing the flashback I've waited 30 years for, but no, it was real. Ok, yes, I do have a skin care regimen,(I'm a gay man, hello!) and NO I'm not sharing it with you! If you're interested in that I am really not accomplishing what I set out to do here. But this guy went into detail, I now know what products he uses, where and when he uses them, and what he does to prepare for tomorrow in the event he is out late or at an event that stresses his skin... Seriously.

I've started an email correspondence with this woman in Lima, Peru who is expressing interest in having me come down there and teach a workshop in Theatre. I met her while researching ESL jobs there and suddenly she comes up with this. It's an interesting proposition. My Spanish will have to improve dramatically first though. We'll see. First, New Mexico, then the steps.

Oh! I forgot to mention Freewill Astrology's Gemini Horoscope this week.

"Do you have a pet pig? (I always know I'm in trouble when he starts off with a line like that)If so, it'll be a good week to imitate what Homer Simpson did in The Simpsons Movie: Hold your animal friend upside-down and help it simulate the act of creeping along the ceiling, all the while singing a "Spiderpig" version of the Spiderman theme song. And if none of that seems meaningful or relevant to you, please at least try to induce a lucid dream of yourself crawling along the inside of the vault in the Sistine Chapel, or hauling your luggage across the underside of a cloud, or gliding as slowly as a sloth out to the end of a big limb on an oak tree. You need action that's simultaneously high up and reversed, Gemini. You've got to be grounded yet rebellious as you soar. Or you need to defy gravity as you take baby steps. Or something like that."

Sometimes it takes all week to figure out what the fuck he's talking about, and by then it's either too late or I'm too tired to care.

I found my friend Joe Grant the horse trainer on the web, that was a happy thing. I emailed to see if we can work together again. He told me he'd teach me what he knows. I'll be lucky if I can figure out any of it, but it'll sure be fun to be working with horses again.

Today was our first morning with temps in the 20's, I'd left the sliding door open in my room and didn't realize the screen was open too. I got up about 6am and shut the door. About ten minutes later the blinds over the door started shaking and I thought, "Did I not get that thing closed all the way?" I got up to close it and that was when this creature darted in front of me at the foot of the bed. This is not the way to start the day. My first thought was "Damnit I've got a mouse. No, that was way too big to be a mouse." (a slight pause to get my wits about me, because screaming like a little girl and dancing around the apt at the very thought of a rat is not very dignified, let alone unwelcome noise for the neighbors to wake to) And then I realized that the blinds were shaking because the cat that is our apartment complex mascot had gotten in and was now trying to get out and was starting to get a little freaky since I'd shut the door. Sneaky bastard. He's outside now I assure you.

For those of you who immediately went to kitty Armageddon, that wasn't the way it went at all. I opened the door and talked nicely until he got the message that it was alright to walk past me and leave, which he did. That was it, so relax.

I learned yesterday that one can chat at work through google. I was working away and saw the little box appear in the bottom corner of my screen that normally signifies I've got an email. However, this time I realized it was my dear friend CC lurking down there in the corner. Yeah! Another device with which to wile away the hours I should be being productive and industrious.

But it truly is productivity time.


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