The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Thursday, November 22, 2007


I find myself with a ton of time this holiday, which is not only remarkable, but incredibly invigorating. So I decided to make a list of thanks.

The things I truly have to be thankful for:

1.) My health. I'm pretty damn healthy at 50. I know that's not uncommon nowadays, but in my life I've known many people who had health issues visited upon them by this age that they either had to learn to live with the rest of their lives, or that ended their lives. So I am thankful I can do whatever I want, whenever I want.

2.) My friends. I have a wealth of friends, and if they're not physically close they don't let too much time pass before they email, or call, and I love that I am important enough to them that I stay on their radar. They've been my rock this past year when things were as difficult as they've ever been in my life, I doubt I would have made it were it not for them. Truthfully, without them letting me know they were there for me, and letting me have the time I needed to figure all this mess out, and then picking up where we all left off when I decided to re-emerge into the world has meant more than they'll ever know. They're proof that the family you get isn't always the family you get. Thank You all.

3.)My Brother. I doubt that there is any possibility that had I been born into a family where I had an older brother that I would have been as fortunate as I am to have the one I got by default. There would be no familial ties for me at all if it weren't for him and my sister-in-law. His son stood guard over me in absentia for months and would do so again in a second. They truly understand the meaning of the words love and family. They walk the talk and I am eternally in their debt.

4.) My education. I took a year off from school...20 times. And waiting is the smartest thing I could have ever done. I was a far better student and far more interested in the subject I studied than I would have ever been had I stayed in school at 19. It has afforded and continues to afford me opportunities in life that I would never have known without it. In the next several decades of my life I hope to be smart enough to sieze as many of those opportunities as possible and to relish every moment.

5.) My current situation. There is nothing like the specter of persecution to remind you how precious freedom is. And it took that wake up call to let me know how fortunate I am to be a free man at this time, in this world. I thought i didn't take it for granted before, but I did. I never will again. I'm very happy in my current situation, I love my apt, my job, my peace and quiet, my ability to travel, and the love that I know.

I could ask for more, I could want for material things, professional acknowledgment,a grand romance, wealth, all the things that we're taught by Madison venue to want in this life. But the smart money is on me realizing that I am incredibly fortunate, that I have an embarrassment of riches in my simple life,that to celebrate what I have and my ability to enjoy it is the stuff that dreams are made of..

I thank you all, the world over, for visiting me here at A New Life. I hope to find the true purpose of this blog as it evolves and I hope you hang out to share that discovery with me.

I think it's time for a morning walk on the beach before breakfast.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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