The soul has greater need of the ideal than the real for it is by the real that we exist, it is by the ideal that we live

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I've been denied the first choice of my name change. So I now have to choose from the original list I submitted. I've made the choice, and also moved the blog to an address that reflects that choice. You should be redirected automatically.

I thought I'd mention this since I know some of you just can't live without your daily fix from this blog.

It's now like wile e coyote(the cartoon character who never spoke. Now there's a dichotomy for you, since I never seem to shut up), but it's in the available domain name version.

I'd attach the Warner Bros. cartoon theme song, but I find it so annoying when I'm trying to read blogs at 5am and out of the speakers comes blaring some song the blogger just knows I can't live without hearing. So I'll spare you that on this page.

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